The Vatican connection : [the astonishing account of a by Richard Hammer PDF

True Crime

By Richard Hammer

ISBN-10: 0030601460

ISBN-13: 9780030601460

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His form and verbalization indicate a much higher IQ than that obtained. . " This "delinquent," this "asocial personality," this "threat to society" was, then, considered not fit to be a Marine. The thing to do with him, it was suggested, was to turn him over to a social-service agency somewhere, anywhere but in Marine jurisdiction, and let them try to deal with him. And so, in September 1952, eleven months after his enlistment, Vincent Rizzo was given a bad-conduct discharge and shipped back to Avenue A.

It had a reputation in and out of the police department for excellence and incorruptibility, for doggedness in pursuit of evidence and for results. Many chose it but few were chosen. The word in the department was that unless a cop had a rabbi, somebody to speak and vouch for him, he had no chance of being admitted into that tight circle of sixty detectives. As far as Coffey was aware, he knew nobody in Hogan's office, had nobody to put in that good word for him. Yet that was his choice and he was convinced that somehow he would manage to make it work.

And, at the end of the four 26 The Playboy Bunnies months of training, he shared the award for highest academic achievement. Now his real career as a cop began, and his luck continued to hold. He was assigned exactly where he wanted to go-the department's elite unit, the Tactical Patrol Force. The TPF was sent into high-crime areas, or anyplace where there was trouble that had to be handled quickly, firmly and with dispatch. "I wanted the TPF and I got it. And the reason I wanted the TPF was because I wanted to be a detective and that was the best road into the detective bureau.

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The Vatican connection : [the astonishing account of a billion-dollar counterfeit stock deal between the mafia and the church] by Richard Hammer

by Brian

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