Relative Values: Reconfiguring Kinship Studies - download pdf or read online

Marriage Family

By Sarah Franklin

ISBN-10: 0822327864

ISBN-13: 9780822327868

ISBN-10: 0822327961

ISBN-13: 9780822327967

The essays in Relative Values draw on new paintings in anthropology, technological know-how experiences, gender idea, severe race experiences, and postmodernism to supply an intensive revisioning of kinship and kinship thought. via a mixture of bright case stories and trenchant theoretical essays, the contributors—a crew of across the world famous scholars—examine either the background of kinship idea and its destiny, instantly elevating questions that experience lengthy occupied a valuable position in the self-discipline of anthropology and relocating past them.Ideas approximately kinship are important not just to knowing but in addition to forming a number of the practices and recommendations of up to date society. How do the cultural logics of latest biopolitics, commodification, and globalization intersect with kinship practices and theories? In what methods do kinship analogies tell medical and medical practices; and what occurs to kinship while it really is created in such unusual websites as biogenetic labs, new reproductive know-how clinics, and the pcs of man-made existence scientists? How does kinship constitute—and get constituted by—the kin of energy that draw strains of hierarchy and equality, exclusion and inclusion, ambivalence and violence? The members verify the consequences for kinship of such phenomena as blood transfusions, adoption throughout nationwide borders, genetic aid teams, images, and the hot reproductive applied sciences whereas starting from rural China to mid-century Africa to modern Norway and the USA. Addressing those and different well timed matters, Relative Values injects new lifestyles into one in all anthropology's most vital disciplinary traditions.Posing those and different well timed questions, Relative Values injects an immense interdisciplinary interest into one in all anthropology’s most vital disciplinary traditions.Contributors. Mary Bouquet, Janet Carsten, Charis Thompson Cussins, Carol Delaney, Gillian Feeley-Harnik, Sarah Franklin, Deborah Heath, Stefan Helmreich, Signe Howell, Jonathan Marks, Susan McKinnon, Michael G. Peletz, Rayna Rapp, Martine Segalen, Pauline Turner powerful, Melbourne Tapper, Karen-Sue Taussig, Kath Weston, Yunxiang Yan

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4 Similarly, Linda Stone asserts that "a male/female difference in reproduction is universal (however varied the cultural constructions of this difference might be) and that on the basis of this `fact' we can begin to make meaningful cross-cultural comparisons" (1997, 4). " 5 The participants in the symposium included Mary Bouquet (University of Utrecht), Janet Carsten (University of Edinburgh), Charis Thompson (Harvard University), Carol Delaney (Stanford University), Gillian Feeley-Harnik (University of Michigan), Sarah Franklin (Lancaster University), Christine Gailey (University of California, Riverside), Corinne Hayden (University of California, Santa Cruz), Stefan Helmreich (New York University), Signe Howell (University of Oslo), Jonathan Marks (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), Susan McKinnon (University of Virginia), Michael Peletz (Colgate University), Rayna Rapp (New York University), Daniel Segal (Pitzer College), Martine Segalen (University of Paris X, Nanterre), Sydel Silverman (Wenner-Gren Foundation), Verena Stolcke (Universidad Autonoma, Barcelona), Marilyn Strathern (University of Cambridge), Pauline Turner Strong (University of Texas, Austin), Melbourne Tapper (independent scholar), Kath Weston (Harvard University), and Yunxiang Yan (University of California, Los Angeles).

Father State, Motherland, and the Birth of Modern Turkey. In Naturalizing Power: Essays in Feminist Cultural Analysis, edited by Sylvia J. Yanagisako and Carol Delaney. New York: Routledge. Dominguez, Virginia. 1986. White by Definition: Social Classification in Creole Louisiana. : Rutgers University Press. Edwards, Jeanette, Sarah Franklin, Eric Hirsch, Frances Price, and Marilyn Strathern. 1999. Technologies of Procreation: Kinship in the Age of Assisted Conception. 2d ed. London: Routledge. Faubion, James D.

Schneider was not alone in making this argument: Schneider's (1968,1972) claim that the theoretical categories of Euro-American kinship study are informed and shaped by Euro-American understandings of kinship was shared by Ernest Gellner (1957) and Rodney Needham (1960). Such criticisms contributed to the rejection of structural-functionalist understandings of kinship as a core social structure-as espoused by A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, Bronislaw Malinowski, E. E. Evans-Pritchard, and Meyer Fortes- and allowed for more varied interpretations of the significance of kinship (as, for instance, in Leach 1967).

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Relative Values: Reconfiguring Kinship Studies by Sarah Franklin

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