Download PDF by Bernadette Brady: Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark

Occult Paranormal

By Bernadette Brady

ISBN-10: 1578631122

ISBN-13: 9781578631124

This ground-breaking ebook, with its many new thoughts and ideas, brings predictive astrology right into a international of its personal. Covers thoughts and techniques beneficial for making exact astrological predictions. discover ways to demonstrate the longer term and positioned a variety of features of existence into standpoint.

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A time for discovering the areas where you can put your creative or spiritual energy. Issues of integrity and boundaries of discrimination are also revised. There can be an active expression of the spiritual belief as these beliefs come into greater conscious. Or on the other hand, it can be a time to encounter confusion or deceit. Pluto square Pluto (between age 35 to 55) _ For the generation of Pluto in Leo and Virgo, this is another mid-life crisis aspect happening in the early 40s. It's time to reassess what is of emotional importance, which deep emotional bonds are valid, and which emotional involvements are really superficial.

The predictive astrologer must always be aware that every event is designed to tune the strings. This string tuning manifests in the everyday physical life as events. These events are designed to modify or adjust the different components of your being by increasing your awareness. This may be a long and rocky road and may contain even the odd broken string. The Hindus believe that this road is so long that the journey could take many lifetimes. In the West we recognize the road-we are just not too sure of its length.

But where would these strong feelings be experienced? Who, what, and how are the natural questions that have to be answered. When predicting events for a client, the areas of the life with which these events are going to be involved become a major part of the prediction. The houses in a chart are the components of the astrological alphabet which define places, locations, and so on. Therefore, if we involve the houses in our predictive work we will be able to define the areas of concern for the client, as well as the areas affected by the event's consequences.

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Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark by Bernadette Brady

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