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Nonfiction 3

By Linda S. Godfrey (author), Rosemary Ellen Guiley (consulting editor)

ISBN-10: 1604139153

ISBN-13: 9781604139150

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Extra info for Mythical Creatures: Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena

Example text

12 Occasional, unverifiable accounts of mermaids have surfaced throughout Europe into modern times, with sightings in the Irish Sea’s Isle of Man in 1961 and from British Columbia and South Borneo in 1967. 13 Through the ages, Satan has been blamed for just about every woe to befall man. ”14 As busy as that may keep him, the devil does not always appear as a goatman. ” According to a folk legend still circulating in rural areas of the United States, he also sometimes appears as a handsome, well-dressed stranger at barn dances.

W. Franklin Dove carried out an experiment on a calf at the University of Maine. He was able to transplant the calf’s small buds of tissue that would later mature into horns so that they were side by side in the middle of its forehead. By the age of two and a half, the calf had a large, formidable single horn that seemed to give it an advantage over other young bulls. Dr. Dove published an article on his work in 1936, and the modern world beheld a photo of a bovine unicorn. Dr. Dove was not the last person to create his own unicorn.

That’s assuming, of course, a person could find a dragon body to raid. The Greek writer Pliny the Elder, who catalogued both known and imaginary animals in his book, The Natural History,8 listed many beneficial uses of dragon parts. Its head brought good fortune when buried under a home’s front door, for instance,9 and its blood was said to heal many diseases. The fat made a salve that could repel venomous snakes. The eyes, if dried, beaten, and mixed with honey, were believed to cure people of nightmares.

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Mythical Creatures: Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena by Linda S. Godfrey (author), Rosemary Ellen Guiley (consulting editor)

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