Download e-book for kindle: The Aurum Solis Initiation Ceremonies and Inner Magical by Osborne Phillips

Occult Paranormal

By Osborne Phillips

ISBN-10: 1870450523

ISBN-13: 9781870450522

This ebook publishes the initiation rituals for the Aurum Solis and discusses in short their context as magical instruments. for college kids of Western secret traditions, it worthy learn. those rituals are way more Greek-oriented than such a lot different Western occult material.

While the paintings indicates a few similarity to a couple Freemasonic fabric, the similarity is extra light than what one sees in direct offshoots equivalent to the Golden sunrise etc.

All in all, i believe this can be a invaluable contribution to the sphere of analysis during this subject and could suggest the paintings.

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Example text

He returns to east, bows, proceeds to south-east and replaces thurible, then proceeds deosil to west of Bomos and , faces east. 7 He lights the taper, and raising it on high he traces therewith the sign of PSI: first the curved arms, from left to right, then, bringing the taper down to trace the vertical beam, in the same movement he lights the Lamp upon the Bomos, vibrating HA as he does so. He takes the lighted taper to the east and traces the sign of the Circled Cross to the east. He moves to south, west and north, tracing the sign towards each quarter.

He concludes in east, bows and returns to eastern side of Bomos and replaces vessel of water. 6 He goes to credenza in south-east and places the first incense in the thurible. Taking thurible, he advances directly to east. He tenses east three times, then moves to south, west and north, tensing thrice towards each quarter. He returns to east, bows, proceeds to south-east and replaces thurible, then proceeds deosil to west of Bomos and , faces east. 7 He lights the taper, and raising it on high he traces therewith the sign of PSI: first the curved arms, from left to right, then, bringing the taper down to trace the vertical beam, in the same movement he lights the Lamp upon the Bomos, vibrating HA as he does so.

64 Eleos Battery: 1. MAGUS: This is the second principle of the Superstructure, the princίple of Mercy. It is the principle of the hidden causal force of Spirit, which is revealed and is made manifest through the first principle. Thus do these twο great principles of Spirit work together and in equilibrium. Α CUSTOS approaches MAGUS and delίvers to hίm the vessel of lustral water. MAGUS, wίthout moving forward, dipping the three mίddle fingers ofhίs right hand six tίmes successively in the lustral water (thumb upon lίttle finger for the action), asperges candidate: directing water to Corona Flammae, Unciα Coeli, Flos Abysmi, Orbίs Solίs, Cornua Lunae and Instita Splendens.

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The Aurum Solis Initiation Ceremonies and Inner Magical Techniques by Osborne Phillips

by Jason

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