Download PDF by Georges Simenon; Geoffrey Sainsbury (tr): Maigret and the Guinguette by the Seine (a. k. a. Maigret

Nonfiction 6

By Georges Simenon; Geoffrey Sainsbury (tr)

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A key turned in a lock. A bolt shot back. A very clean cell with a very high ceiling. A man, who rose to his feet, while by his face he seemed uncertain what expression to adopt. “Well, Lenoir? ” The prisoner nearly smiled, but his features hardened as an idea flashed through his mind. He frowned mistrustfully, and for a few seconds his mouth was drawn into a snarl; then he shrugged his shoulders and held out his hand. “I see,” he said. ” A cynical smile. “ Come on! You needn’t play that game with me.

A young man in bathing-costume was chasing her. Both were convulsed with laughter. Others in the garden were watching the scene. One shouted out: “Now then! ” “At any rate till the wedding’s over,” cried another. The bride stopped, panting for breath, and Maigret at once recognized the lady who twice a week paid flying visits to the Avenue Niel accompanied by Monsieur Basso. A man in a green rowing-boat was putting away his fishing-gear, his forehead wrinkled as though he was engaged on some difficult and arduous task.

Monsieur Feinstein seemed completely absorbed in the game, and Maigret was surprised to hear him mutter: “Hallo! ” “I think he went off in a boat,” said someone. Following the hosier’s eyes, Maigret saw a boat which had just reached the opposite bank, near the Guinguette à Deux Sous. Monsieur Basso jumped ashore and went up to the little inn. He soon reappeared, and in a short time had rejoined the party. He talked and laughed as heartily as ever, but Maigret couldn’t help thinking he looked preoccupied.

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Maigret and the Guinguette by the Seine (a. k. a. Maigret and the Tavern by the Seine) by Georges Simenon; Geoffrey Sainsbury (tr)

by Brian

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