Leading With NLP: Essential Leadership Skills for by Joseph O'Connor PDF

Self Help

By Joseph O'Connor

ISBN-10: 0007516177

ISBN-13: 9780007516179

Crucial management abilities for Influencing and coping with People

Leadership isn't anything individuals are inevitably born with -- it may be discovered. the simplest strategy to research management is thru the concepts of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is a collection of abilities for psychologically influencing humans (using physique language, verbal innovations and different useful methods).

This ebook may also help readers to:

find their very own management style
think strategically
empower others
overcome resistance

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18 The Rise of Stoicism The Greek biographer Diogenes Laertius, from the vantage point of the third century ad, offered an eminently readable (but not entirely reliable) history of early philosophy. 1 One branch—he calls it the Italian branch—began with Pythagoras. If we follow through the various successors of Pythagoras, we ultimately come to Epicurus, whose own school of philosophy was a major rival to the Stoic school. The other branch—Diogenes calls it the Ionian branch—started with Anaximander, who (intellectually, pedagogically) begat Anaximenes, who begat Anaxagoras, who begat Archelaus, who, finally, begat Socrates (469–399 bc).

After the death of Chrysippus, the Stoic school continued to prosper under a succession of leaders, including Panaetius of Rhodes, who is remembered in the annals of Stoicism not as an innovator but as an exporter of the philosophy. When Panaetius traveled to Rome in around 140 bc, he took Stoicism with him. He befriended Scipio Africanus and other Roman gentlemen, got them interested in philosophy, and thereby became the founder of Roman Stoicism. After importing Stoicism, the Romans adapted the doctrine to suit their needs.

Rather, it was the extent to which he allowed his way of life to be affected by his philosophical speculations. Indeed, according to the philosopher Luis E. ”4 20 The Rise of Stoicism Presumably, some of those drawn to Socrates were impressed primarily by his theorizing, while others were most impressed by his lifestyle. Plato belonged to the former group; in his Academy, Plato was more interested in exploring philosophical theory than in dispensing lifestyle advice. Antisthenes, in contrast, was most impressed with Socrates’ lifestyle; the Cynic school he founded eschewed philosophical theorizing and focused instead on advising people about what they must do to have a good life.

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Leading With NLP: Essential Leadership Skills for Influencing and Managing People by Joseph O'Connor

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