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The fertile (clay and limestone) soil of Kent has always been conducive to fruit growing; there cultivation was first established on a commercial scale in the 16th century. Kent is a major supplier of fruits and vegetables (apples, pears, black currants, cauliflowers, and cabbages). Worcestershire is noted for its plums, and Somerset and Devon specialize in cider apples. Livestock The agriculture of England, though to a lesser extent than in Wales and Scotland, is primarily concerned with livestock husbandry and, in particular, with milk production.

Fred Ramage/Hulton Archive/Getty Images Agriculture, forestry, and fishing The physical environment and natural resources of England are more favourable to agricultural development than those of other parts of the United Kingdom. A greater proportion of the land consists of lowlands with good soils where the climate is conducive to grass or crop growing. The majority of English farms are small, most holdings being less than 250 acres (100 hectares). Nonetheless, they are highly mechanized. Major crops Wheat, the chief grain crop, is grown in the drier, sunnier counties of eastern and southern England.

In coating, the kaolin is plated along with an adhesive on the paper’s surface to give gloss, colour, high opacity, and greater printability. Kaolin used for coating is prepared so that most of the kaolinite particles are less than two micrometres in diameter. Kaolin is used extensively in the ceramic industry, where its high fusion temperature and white burning characteristics make it particularly suitable for the manufacture of whiteware (china), porcelain, and refractories. The absence of any iron, alkalies, or alkaline earths in the molecular structure of kaolinite confers upon it these desirable ceramic properties.

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50 Fighters 1939-45 -Volume 1

by Mark

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