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I How Thoughts Work Thought Did you ever have thoughts that you didn't want to share? Thoughts about other people that you knew would upset them if you verbalized them? Maybe about their clothes, manners, or things they did that bothered you. You hesitated to share your thoughts because you wanted to maintain peace in the relationship. ” Most people consider thoughts as ideas or notions that reside in their heads for their own private use. Thoughts help you to figure out things, evaluate situations, make decisions, and generate feelings, and sometimes they seem to drive you crazy (well, almost).

These beliefs usually originate in infancy and/or childhood. They are often referred to as conditioning or programming. I will not use either of these terms. To me, they imply that something was done to you—an implication that tends to generate blame and avoid self-responsibility. No one other than the believer—you—can accept or choose a belief. So even as an infant, you did the choosing. Since the experience probably involved a caretaker or someone in an influential position, you naturally accepted that person's assessment.

With your new insight into the fundamentals of thought, you'll want to start immediately making sure you're focused on being positive. Adopt the attitude that everything that happens in your life happens for a good reason. This will get you off to a great start. Earlier in my career, during a business trip to Chicago, I was snowed in for three days in O'Hare International Airport. There were several feet of snow on the ground, and everything was at a standstill. During the second day, the restaurants began running out of food, stranded mothers were overwhelmed with crying children, and people were fed up with the whole situation, mostly from not knowing when it would end.

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Transport for a Common Ion Driver [workshop]

by Joseph

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