Download e-book for kindle: Rulers of Evil : Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies by F. Tupper Saussy

Occult Paranormal

By F. Tupper Saussy

ISBN-10: 0967376807

ISBN-13: 9780967376806

Instead of go through the Atlanta Federal criminal Camp gate to serve a sentence for a tax misdemeanor again in 1987, writer f. Tupper Saussy selected to turn into a fugitive so as freely to enquire his adversary - the U.S. of the US. for the reason that his prosecutor used to be a Jesuit priest hired via the Justice division as an Assistant usa legal professional, Saussy committed his fugitive years - ten of them - to learning the level of Jesuit involvement in usa govt, either almost immediately and traditionally. His labors have rewarded us with beneficial new proofs of an unlimited Roman Catholic substratum to American background. proof means that Jesuits performed eminent and under-appreciated roles in relocating the complacent New Englanders to insurgent opposed to their mom kingdom in 1776. certainly, in response to Saussy's discoveries, the yankee Revolution and its ensuing constitutional republic can have been principally the outworking of an creative Jesuit technique singly-handedly designed and supervised by means of a real founding father few american citizens have ever heard of - Lorenzo Ricci. With Ricci comes an entire host of hitherto little-known names reminiscent of Robert Bellarmine, Joseph Amiot, the Dukes of Norfolk, Daniel Coxe, Sun-Tzu, Lord Bute, Francis Thorpe, Nikolaus von Hontheim, and the Carrolls, Daniel, Charles and John. "In their way," writes Saussy, "these males have been as necessary to our constitutional origins as Jefferson, Paine, Adams, Washington, Locke, and George III."

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M a c h i a v e l l i and Wolsey opined that b o t h printing and Protestantism could be t u r n e d t o R o m e ’ s a d v a n t a g e b y e m p l o y i n g m o v a b l e type t o p r o duce a literature that would confuse, diminish, and ultimately marginalize t h e Bible. ” 4 A g a i n s t t h e Bible’s l e a r n i n g , w h i c h d e m o n s t r a t e d h o w m a n c o u l d h a v e e t e r n a l life simply by b e l i e v i n g in t h e facts of Christ’s d e a t h and resurrection, w o u l d be put t h e learning of the gnostics.

T h e w e a l t h o f the priests merely b e c a m e the i m m e d i a t e possession of the C h r i s t i a n churches, and the priests merely declared t h e m s e l v e s C h r i s Constantine tians. Government continued without i n t e r r u p t i o n . T h e p a g a n gods a n d g o d desses were artfully outfitted w i t h n a m e s appropriate to C h r i s t i a n ity. 1 T h e sign o v e r t h e P a n t h e o n i n d i c a t i n g “ T o [the fertility goddess] C y b e l e a n d A l l t h e G o d s ” was r e - w r i t t e n “ T o M a r y and A l l t h e S a i n t s .

Every fully prosec u t e d case e n d e d in t h e d e a t h of the d e f e n d a n t and t h e forfeiture of his or her property, since it was assumed (as in A m e r i c a n forfeiture cases since 1 9 8 4 ) t h a t t h e property was g a i n e d i n sin. S o m e times the property of family members for generations to c o m e was forfeited. T h e s e forfeitures were paid out in expenses to the scribes and executioners, half of the remainder going into the papal treasury and h a l f t o t h e inquisitors.

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Rulers of Evil : Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies by F. Tupper Saussy

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