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By Edward Peck, Helen Dickinson (auth.)

ISBN-10: 0230246176

ISBN-13: 9780230246171

ISBN-10: 1349304204

ISBN-13: 9781349304202

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Feyerabend (1978) challenges Kuhn’s view that a paradigm will be abandoned when it ceases to explain observed phenomena adequately. Rather, he suggests, a paradigm will be defended beyond the point at which problematic observations which are difficult to accommodate within the predominant theory should have led to the formulation of alternative explanations. In these circumstances, Feyerabend argues, new paradigms will have to be nurtured and promoted in the face of antagonism from the supporters of the existing paradigm.

Through much of its canon, however, that the debate about the nature of self is one of the cornerstones of Western philosophy is largely overlooked. ). It is not our intention to rehearse the history of the debate here, although we will say more in the next chapter; rather, it is only important to draw out the two main conclusions about these two topics that formed the basis of common conceptions of the self until well into the 20th century. The first received view that has permeated much subsequent thinking is the familiar assumption that “the self is a single, simple, continuing, and unproblematically accessible mental substance” (Gallagher & Shear, 1999: ix); that is, it is the “I” of “I think therefore I am”.

It would seem, therefore, that there is evidence even within the social psychology literature that the social identity of followers holds great salience for the potential efficacy of leadership; this is a theme we shall return to throughout this chapter. However, as we suggested in Chapter 2, traditional psychology has typically treated the notion of self as a bounded and coherent entity which seems to exist separate to the social self. We now want to draw on alternative traditions of academic study and analyse the ways they have treated notions of self and identity.

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Performing Leadership by Edward Peck, Helen Dickinson (auth.)

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