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The problem, however, is not that there is no EOC. ƒ The problem is really that the emergency management community cannot coordinate communications adequately during the response phase. ƒ Establishing an EOC is a solution. Delineating the Problem Parameters Identifying the problem also involves analyzing the situation to determine the extent of the problem. Problem parameters include: ƒ What is happening (and is not happening). ƒ Who is involved. ƒ What the stakes are. On the next page is a Checklist for Identifying, Defining, and Analyzing Problems.

Notice that you were able to do the task the other way, but that it was not your preferred way. Using Type Inventories to Determine Preferences One kind of personality test called a type inventory can help you to determine your preferred or dominant ways of functioning, including your preferred decision-making style. Such tests ask you to answer a series of questions, and, based on your responses, assign you a type that is an aggregate of your preferences. 2 UNIT 3: IDENTIFYING DECISION-MAKING STYLES AND ATTRIBUTES Using Type Inventories to Determine Preferences (Continued) One such test is the MBTI®.

4 UNIT 3: IDENTIFYING DECISION-MAKING STYLES AND ATTRIBUTES Activity: Where Should You Flex? Activity This activity will provide an opportunity to examine your preferred decisionmaking style as you interact with others. Follow the steps below to complete this activity: 1. 1, The Planning Meeting, on the next page. 2. Analyze the case study to determine points at which you would need to flex your preferences to ensure that the decision made is sound. 3. Think about this case study in terms of your preference.

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FEMA course - Decision Making and Problem Solving IS241

by Paul

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