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Catch the bolt. Tbe safety, incidentally, is a ro- After inserting a new magazine, you simply pull Bless my soul! tary bolt which blocks the front arm of the trigger when •on". " "' -- FIGURE 7: What makes it "perk". The recoil spring, mounted in a groove in the bottom right of the lock housing, extends down into a tube in the stock. The spring plunger is normally prevented from flying out by the hammer pln. A nose on the bottom or the rear end of tne slide (see FIG. 4) contacts the plunger, compressing the recoil spring during recoil.

Son, according to reports, and the able ~ that Czech demonstrators wouldn't let co~sidered anyone come near it! the Germans and--equally probable Johnson and The extrac- • It is proe- the entire rifle was as a service weapon by Czech ZB 29 Automatic Rifle Czech ZB 29. This is a semi- and full-auto rifle with selective switch. Magazine is withdrawn. Beechblock shown in full rear position. This rifle was used in Germany, Abyssinia and in the Far East in limited quantities. 92-mm German. , --that it was set aside by them pany alone supplied almost 90,000 as being too complicated and dif- G 41's and nearly 130,000 Kar 43's).

See how metal tube. Only the front jack- the barrel, stripped of its vari- et lines up with the barrel; the ous jackets, is set in the receiver just a little off the beam. middle and rear jackets line up The gun was designed this way, with the receiver. The front sight, which is also part of the apparently to simplify the mat- front jacket, is offset to the ter of lining up the slide, gas right. cylinder and receiver. This is an original idea, but its virtues, if any, are well hidden. the bar~el Above and receiver are (left to right) the jacket cap, the front jacket with bayonet lug and Note that, to conform to the angle of the barrel and to the location of the front sight, the rear sight is set parallel to the barrel--therefore somewhat askew on the receiver.

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Automatic Rifle ZH, Model 29 [CZECH]

by Thomas

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